Are DUI Charges About To Disrupt Your Life?

If you are facing a DUI charge, you probably have many questions:

  • Will I go to jail?
  • Will I lose my license?
  • How much is this going to cost me?

You may also have questions about how a DUI will affect your record and whether you can obtain a temporary driver’s license. If you have a commercial driver’s license (CDL), you are likely concerned about losing your job. For military members, a DUI can mean the loss of security clearances. Furthermore, a DUI conviction can have a direct impact on your family, your job and your reputation.

Choosing The Right Attorney Is Critical

At The Collins Law Firm, P.C., we have answers. Our attorneys understand what you are up against. We will provide personal one-on-one attention and address all of your concerns. We will personally handle your case from beginning to end, rather than delegating it to a less experienced attorney. We will look at the details of your charge and determine the best defense for your unique situation. There may be options available that would allow for reduced or dismissed charges.

The Consequences Of A DUI Are Lasting— Even If Your Time In Virginia Is Temporary

Virginia has some of the strictest drunk driving laws in the country, DUI penalties include mandatory jail time. Sentencing varies according to each driver’s breath and field sobriety test results. A first-time offender can receive up to 12 months in jail, and three or more DUIs can result in a felony charge. It is extremely important to seek legal representation immediately if you have been stopped on suspicion of drunk driving or you are charged with driving under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants.

Many people who are arrested on suspicion of DUI have traveled to our area on vacation or are here due to military service. If you are from out of state, you need an attorney who has experience defending DUI charges in Virginia.

Start With A Free Consultation

With nearly 40 years of combined experience, our lawyers know what to look for to build a strong defense. We will carefully examine the details of your arrest and determine if you were stopped properly and for a legitimate reason or if the legalities of the stop are suspicious.

Call 757-818-9539 or contact us online to schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced Virginia DUI defense lawyer. We represent clients from Portsmouth and all surrounding areas.