Reality star faces felony domestic violence charge

While it appears that the majority of domestic violence charges are filed against men, it is important to remember that both sexes can be charged with domestic violence. Reality TV star Kate Chastain was recently arrested for domestic violence after allegedly choking and biting her girlfriend during a fight. Chastain is the chief stewardess on the yacht crew of the reality show “Below Deck.”

Chastain was attempting to kick her intoxicated girlfriend out of the house at the time of the incident. When her girlfriend refused to leave the home, Chastain allegedly bit her girlfriend’s arm and leg and then choked her to try to stop her from breathing. She also allegedly hit her girlfriend in the head with her knee. The woman reported to work with a bruise, and a police investigation was called shortly thereafter.

Chastain is now facing a felony domestic violence charge for battery by strangulation. She has posted a $5,000 bond.

Domestic violence in Virginia can be classified as physical, sexual, emotional, or psychological abuse. Stalking, cyberstalking and threatening can also be considered domestic violence. Domestic violence charges can lead to some serious consequences including jail time. The person claiming abuse can also sue the alleged abuser in civil court, even if the case is being tried in criminal court. The alleged abuser can be sued even if there is a restraining order against him or her.

With potential criminal and civil penalties, there is a lot on the line for those facing domestic violence charges. Anyone in the Portsmouth area who is facing domestic violence charges should understand the consequences that they are up against, as well as their rights and options for defending against the charges.

Source: New York Daily News, “Bravo’s ‘Below Deck’ star Kate Chastain arrested after allegedly biting and choking girlfriend,” Peter Sblendorio, June 15, 2016



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