Generally speaking, a college campus is a safe place where your child can focus on getting a quality education. However, there are steps that the Virginia college student in your family should to take to minimize their risk of being involved in a crime.
It’s usually safer to travel in groups
Students who travel with others are less likely to be the target of thieves or those with ill intent. This is because it’s usually easier to get away with targeting an individual who is less likely to fight back. Furthermore, going after a group of people means that there are witnesses to whatever crime an individual is trying to commit.
College students should minimize exposure to drugs and alcohol
Drugs or alcohol can make it harder for a person to remain aware of their surroundings. It can also reduce a person’s inhibitions, which could result in spending time alone with strangers or engaging in other risky activities. It’s important to note that the use of most controlled substances is prohibited by state or federal law. Furthermore, those under the age of 21 are prohibited from purchasing, possessing or consuming alcohol, so they may face criminal charges if caught with alcohol.
Teens should learn about consent
Parents of teenagers should take time to teach them the concept of consent. Ultimately, students should know that they have the right to deny access to their bodies at any time without fear of ridicule. Teens should also be taught that others have the same right to deny any sexual advances.
College students who are convicted of crimes may face a variety of penalties such as jail time, a fine or probation. A conviction can also threaten their status as students, so they may want to learn about all their legal options for defense.