In Virginia and across the United States, divorced parents may need to undergo parental supervision while visiting their children. A judge may order supervised parental visitations if the parent has a prior history of substance abuse or alcoholism. A court may also order parental supervision if the parent has a history of physical abuse. Although the court wants to give a child the chance to visit with their parent, a judge also wants to make sure the child is safe.
When a parent who does not have child custody requires supervision, they must report to a visitation center. If this is not possible, a judge may make arrangements for the supervised visitation to take place in the parent’s house. A judge chooses the supervisor in either situation. Social workers and counselors typically supervise the visitations. Some supervised visitations are temporary. Other supervised visitations are permanent. Any indication of child abuse merits the attention of a family court.
A judge may still permit an abusive parent to visit their child under supervision unless the parent proves they are trying to change. Proof may consist of attending a program geared toward rehabilitation from drugs or alcoholic beverages. Any change in a supervised arrangement must meet with the court’s approval via a request by the parent who wants to modify the situation. A parent who has grave concerns about the safety of their child should inform the judge.
Consulting with a family law attorney may provide insight into the legal system as it pertains to supervised visitations. Any parent who is under the court’s jurisdiction regarding child visitation may wish to meet with a family law attorney. Child support and child custody issues involve the welfare of a child. A consultation with a family law attorney may help both parents make an informed decision that benefits the child’s welfare.