During the summer, many NFL fans in Virginia pay attention to what happens to players during the off-season as they anticipate the coming fall. Football fans may be interested to know that NFL defensive end Ray McDonald was recently arrested on suspicion of domestic violence and child endangerment after an alleged domestic assault. Police say that McDonald assaulted a woman holding a baby at his home. McDonald was found about three hours after the incident and was taken into custody. McDonald posted bail and was released from jail later that day. Police did not immediately say whether the woman or the child was injured.
This recent arrest was enough for the Chicago Bears to make the decision to release McDonald. The Bears released a statement saying that McDonald did not meet the standard expected of him in Chicago.
The Bears reportedly took a chance on McDonald despite his prior legal issues. In December 2014, McDonald was released by the 49ers due to what they said was a “pattern of poor decision-making.” He was investigated for domestic violence after an arrest at his home in August 2014. His fiancée, the alleged victim, decided not to pursue charges against McDonald. McDonald also was accused of rape by another woman, against whom he later filed a defamation suit. The district attorney is currently determining whether to file charges against McDonald for that incident.
Virginia residents accused of domestic violence do not always get the benefit of the doubt, especially when they have any history of legal trouble. Allegations and arrests can still result in serious consequences. However, it is important to remember that merely being accused of something or having a prior record does not make a person guilty of a crime.
Source: Fox Sports, “Bears release DE McDonald after another arrest,” May 25, 2015