Virginia woman charged with second degree murder

Being convicted of a crime can change a person’s life for the worse. Fortunately, criminal charges do not always lead to criminal convictions. Virginia residents accused of a crime can fight the allegations by using a strong criminal defense strategy. One Virginia Beach woman may have to come up with a defense soon, as she has just been charged with second-degree murder.

The 39-year-old was charged after she allegedly hit a man with her car and left him for dead in the parking lot of Plaza Middle School. The 47-year-old victim was transported to a local hospital, but did not survive. Family members told reporters that the two were in an on-again, off-again relationship. Family members are unsure why the couple was in the parking lot so early in the morning, but the woman lives across the street from the school.

Reporters continued to investigate the woman and found that she has been married for two years to a man who lives in Portsmouth. The husband reported that the two do not live together and that he was not aware of the man’s death. The woman also appears to have a lengthy criminal history in the area under her maiden name. She has previously pleaded guilty to larceny and statutory burglary. She has also previously pleaded guilty to a hit-and-run that caused injury.

The woman will appear in court for her second arraignment in the near future. For people with a prior criminal record, finding the right defense is even more important to make sure that they are not wrongfully convicted or sentenced.

Source: WAVY, “Woman charged with murder for hitting man with car,” Sept. 22, 2014



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